The Children's Way Library

The Children's Way library is located in the upper level at the top of the staircase.
Note that each book has stickers on its spine identifying in which section of the library it belongs. A key is available on the wall to help you decode the stickers. The sections themselves are in alphabetical order. Please try to re-shelve books in their correct section. If you can't find where they do, it is better to leave them out than to shelve them incorrectly.
Please take advantage of this wonderful resource! Donations to the Children's Way library are welcome. A wish list is available.
Pat Frazier was a beloved and gifted early childhood teacher who, during her twelve years of teaching in Wayland, touched the lives of hundreds of children and families. Pat was passionate about children's literature and one of her greatest joys was sitting with a young child snuggled on her lap as they read a story.
Donations made in Pat's memory will be used to purchase an exceptional collection of children's literature that will be named, "Pat's Books" . The collection will include Pat's favorites, titles recommended by children and families, and teachers' suggestions. "Pat's Books" will grow over the years and be an enduring tribute to Pat.

Photo Courtesy of Gretchen Lutz